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2018~2020年,重点实验室严格按照整改工作方案要求,发表科技论文275篇(其中SCI/EI检索40篇);编写专著6部,其中英文专著1部。中文专著:《国家能源集团矿井自燃火灾防治理论与实践》《瓦斯超限及突出预警技术》《晋城矿区典型矿井瓦斯抽采技术》《深部煤层开采覆岩空间裂隙场演化及其瓦斯运移规律研究》《低渗透高瓦斯煤层大采高开采瓦斯综合防治技术与工程应用》;英文专著:《Investigating the Impact of Carbon Dioxide Phase Transition on Cracking and Anti-reflection:Enhancing the Safety of Low-permeability and Gas-rich Coal Seam Mining》。


1煤自然发火过程颗粒堆积体结构形态演化实验研究梁运涛, 辛全昊, 王树刚, 胡沛裕, 蒋爽煤炭学报2020, 45(4): 1398-1405
2煤层注水微观效应研究现状及发展方向秦玉金, 苏伟伟, 田富超, 陈煜朋中国矿业大学学报(自然科学版)2020,49(03):428-444.
3Research on the height of overlying strata “three zones” in deep coal miningHongwei Yang,Yang Hongwei,Qian ZhiliangIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science2020, 565(1):012024-.
4Optimized synthesis of isocyanate microcapsules for self-healing application in epoxy compositesYong Sun, Shugang Wang, Xiaosu Dong, Yuntao Liang,Wei LuHigh Performance Polymers2020, 32(6):669-680.
5Study on Intelligent Mine Based on the Application of 5G Wireless Communication SystemLong MaIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science2020, 558(3):032050-.
6The Research of Coordination Extraction from the Stope Gas with Partition and Time-sharingYang Hong wei, Hong wei Yang, Zhi liang QianIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science2020, 546(2):022051.
7Synergistic suppression effects of flame retardant, porous minerals and nitrogen on premixed methane/air explosionLiancong Wang, Yuntao Liang, Yuan Hu, Weizhao HuJournal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries2020, 67:104263-
8Multifield Coupled Dynamic Simulation of Coal Oxidation andShuanglin Song , Shugang Wang, Shuang Jiang, Yuntao Liang, and Peiyu HuMathematical Problems in EngineeringVolume 2020, Article ID 9075657, 16 pages
Self-Heating in Longwall Coal Mine Gob
9Forecasting spontaneous combustion of coal in underground coal mines by index gases: A reviewYuntao Liang, Jian Zhang, Liancong Wang,Haizhu Luo,Ting RenJournal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries2019, 57:208-222
10煤炭自然发火介尺度分析:从表征体元宏观模型到孔隙微观模型梁运涛, 王树刚, 蒋爽, 胡沛裕, 林琦, 宋双林煤炭学报2019,44(04):1138-1146.
11Effects of caprock sealing capacities on coalbed methane (CBM) preservation: Experimental investigation and case studyFuchao Tian, Yuntao Liang, Deming Wang, Kan JinJournal of Central South University volume2019, 26(4):925-937.
12Sodium alginate-templated synthesis of g-C3N4/carbon spheres/Cu ternary nanohybrids for fire safety applicationYongqian Shi, Liancong Wang, Libu Fu, Chuan Liu, Bin Yu, Fuqiang Yang, Yuan HuJournal of Colloid and Interface Science2019, 539:1-10.
13Supercritical CO2 Fracturing With Different Drilling Depths In ShaleHong wei Yang, Yuan Zhao, Xinghua Zhang, Guojun Liuf,Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, andEnvironmental Effects43934.13194
14Crack propagation and crack direction changes during the hydraulic fracturing of coalbedYuan Zhao, Shugang Cao,Delei Shang,杨宏伟, Yongjun Yu, Jinquan Liuf, Yong Li, Hui WangComputers and Geotechnics2019, 111:229-242.
15Mercury emission from underground coal fires in the mining goaf of the Wuda Coalfield, China单冰, 王刚, 曹蜚, 吴盾, 梁文勖, 孙若愚Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety2019, 182(OCT.):109409.1-109409.7.
16Sources and Assessment of Mercury and Other Heavy Metal Contamination in Soils Surrounding the Wuda Underground Coal Fire Area, Inner Mongolia, China王刚, 曹蜚, 单冰, 孟妹, 王伟, 孙若愚Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology2019, 103(6):828-833.
17The Propagation Behavior of Hydraulic Fracture in Rock Mass with Cemented JointsYongxiang Zheng, Jianjun Liu, 雷云Geofluids2019(2019):1-15.
18Supercritical CO2 Exposure-Induced Surface Property, Pore Structure, and Adsorption Capacity Alterations in Various Rank Coals刘振建, 张振宇, 刘晓茜, 武腾飞, 都喜东Energies2019, 12(17):1-10
19Enhanced Shale Gas Recovery by the Injections of CO2, N2, and CO2/ N2 Mixture Gases都喜东, 辜敏, 刘振建, 赵源, 孙福龙, 武腾飞Energy & Fuels 2019,33(1):5091-5101
20Coal spontaneous combustion characteristics based on constant temperature difference guidance method孙勇, 王树刚, 陆伟, Ying-jiazi Cao, 李金亮Process Safety and Environmental ProtectionVol 131, November 2019, 223-234
21Seepage mechanism technical practice of hydraulic fracturing of coal seam and auxiliary image simulation technology李江涛, 贾宝山, 张春华Journal of Visual Communication and Image RepresentationVol 59, February 2019, 244-252
22Experimental study on the kinetics of adsorption of CO2 and CH4 in gas-bearing shale reservoirs都喜东, 辜敏, 侯振坤, 刘振建, 武腾飞Energy & Fuels2019 33 (12), 12587-12600
23Adsorption equilibrium and thermodynamic analysis of CO2 and CH4 on Qinshui Basin anthracite都喜东, 武腾飞, 孙福龙, 侯振坤, 刘振建, 霍亮, 郝宇, 赵源GeofluidsDecember 2019(8):1-14
24Analysis of the Soft Starting of Adjustable Speed Asynchronous Magnetic Coupling Used in Belt Conveyor王雷, 贾振元, 张黎, 刘昊International Conference on Intelligent Computing for Sustainable Energy and EnvironmentInternational Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing and Internet of ThingsICSEE 2018/IMIOT 2018, CCIS 923,
25Investigation on the accurate calculation of the temperature field of permanent magnet governor and the optimization method of heat conduction王雷, 贾振元, 张黎Case Studies in Thermal EngineeringVol 13, March 2019, 100360
27Medial axis extraction algorithm specializing in porous media梁运涛, Peiyu Hu, Shugang Wang,宋双林, Shuang JiangPowder TechnologyVol 343, 1 February 2019,512-520
28Design of Mining Isolation Switch Action Torque Test System张红奎, 袁子云, Bo Li, Xin JinThe 31th Chinese Control and Decision Conference2019.06
29The Analysis of Explosion Pressure of YB3 Motor by ANSYS陈凡东, 边建朝, 邹晓旭2019 IEEE 3rd Information Technology,Networking,Electronic and Automation Control Conference2019.3: 2471-2474
30Experimental Research on The Coupling Effect of Hole Plate Size and Initial Pressure on The Pressure of Methane-Air Explosion陈凡东, 马云龙, 杨光鹆, 刘艺平IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science2019, 330:042022.
31Research on Temperature Rise Inspection Technology of Low-voltage Cable Junction Box Used in Mine张红奎, 袁子云, Cun-hu Duan, Bo Li, Xin JinThe 31th Chinese Control and Decision Conference2019.06 :3503-3506
32A novel understanding of combustion behavior of coals by cone calorimeterChuan Liu,·Libi Fu, Jian Yang,·Su Zhang, Yongqian Shi, Fuqiang Yang, Ye Yang, Yanzhen Zhuang, Yating Ye, Liancong WangJournal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry2020, :1-12
33Fundamental investigation on the effects of ammonium polyphosphate on flame propagation behaviors of starch dust deflagrationLiancong Wang, Bihe Yuan, Hongming Zhang,  Saihua JiangPowder  Technology2020, 360:411-420.
34Research on Brushless DC Motor Mechanism of Coal Mine Isolation Switch Breaking test张红奎The 30 Chinese Control and Decision Conference2018.06
35低压条件下多孔材料水分迁移过程研究陈磊, 王树刚, 张腾飞, 梁运涛太阳能学报2018,39(07):1841-1848.
36矿用大功率辅助散热式磁力偶合器温度场王雷, 贾振元,朱玉芹,刘昊,张黎机械工程学报2018,54(18):187-193.
37煤与瓦斯突出过程中地应力、瓦斯压力作用机理探讨朱立凯, 杨天鸿, 徐涛, 赵国会, 谢正红采矿与安全工程学报2018,35(05):1038-1044.
38Analytical solution of coal self-heating characteristics incorporating the effect of oxygen concentration林琦, 王树刚, 梁运涛, 宋双林International Journal Of Oil Gas And Coal Technology2018, 18(3/4):423-443.
39Application of ventilation simulation to spontaneous combustion control in underground coal mine: A case study from Bulianta colliery梁运涛, 张健, Ren Ting, Wang Zhongwei, 宋双林International Journal of Mining Science And Technology2018, 28(2),231-242
40国家能源集团矿井自燃火灾防治理论与实践李东, 梁运涛应急管理出版社2020年
41Investigating the Impact of Carbon Dioxide Phase Transition on Cracking and Anti-reflection:Enhancing the Safety of Low-permeability and Gas-rich Coal Seam MiningYun LeiHuang LeiJianjun LiuYaolin CaoWei ZhangAusasia Science and Technology Press2020年
45低渗透高瓦斯煤层大采高开采瓦斯综合防治技术与工程应用雷云, 孙亮, 邹永洺中国矿业大学出版社2019年



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